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Embrace:unknown, stated before the Deluge (possibly around 2348 BC)


Generation:5th(possibly 4th. citation needed

Allegiance:Voivodes and clan Tzimisce, later he pledged fealty to himself

Rank:Voivode of Vysehrad



Vukodlak dwelled amongst the Antediluvians before the Deluge and commenced to defile and twist the fabric and essences of all that was good and fair in the now cleansed Earth. He desired to overindulge himself with the vitae of the Antediluvians and conceived a diabolical plot to find and eventually destroy the members of which the Third Generation consists. His contemporary Voivodes regarded the pursuit and the execution of his ambitions dangerous to the Voivodes and their holdings, they found it to be revolting and essentially treacherous to clan Tzimisce. Thus the Voivodes unanimously retaliated and purged the entourage, servants and legions of what they deemed to be a wayward Voivode from the ancestral Tzimisce lands. Vukodlak was cursed and placed in a deep Torpor that would last eons. His remaining obedient servants carried the body of their dreaded lord across eastern Europe, persecuted and bereft. But they left destruction in their wake and they embraced many new sentient beings, that they might serve as soldiers or provide flesh for the creation of monstrous entities. But while Vukodlak mustered strength, so too do his followers become evermore powerful and proficient in their unlife as vampires. Eventually the servants of Vukodlak found a safe haven in Prague and Vyserad Castle became their new dark demesne.

He kidnapped Anezka and turned her into a ghoul in Prague. A great amount of tension in Prague culminated in a fierce conflict. A battle ensued in which the Ventrue Prince Rudolf Brandl was slain, the Tremere went to war with the Tzimisce and the mortals of Prague besieged Vyserad Castle. Eight hundred years after that, he relocated himself to New York City trying to find the Antediluvians. Due to the Tzimisce clan curse, he had to ship ludicrous amounts of native soil to the New World, that he might rest in grounds that provided the Tzimisce sanctuary and rest. He also endeavored to construct a gigantic Cathedral of Flesh, a establishment that could stand as precedent or prototype for the fashion in which Vukodlak would reshape the world, were he to gorge on the blood of the Antediluvians.

Over the centuries Vukodlak had to endure several failed attempts at resurrection and had to suffer the failures of his sorcerers in lifting the curse the Voivodes placed on him. Anezka, who sacrificed her purity and innocence for the sake of procrastinating the resurrection of Vokudlak, had often sabotaged the ominous plans of Vukodlak and she gained his trust by exploiting Vukodlak's fear of losing power. This is revealed to the player in an alcove deep within the depraved Cathedral of Flesh, where Anezka concealed her memories and experiences of her existence ever since Christof seemingly perished the night Vyserad Caste was besieged. Eventually Anezka realized she was unable to prolong the inevitable rise of Vukodlak. In her desperation she prayed that God would awaken the one man Vukodlak dreaded, she prayed God would restore Christof. Her prayer reached Christof directly, stirring him from his torpor moments after his arrival in London.

When the time of Vukodlak's resurrection was nigh, Vukodlak had already amassed power and attained potency the likes of which was immeasurable in order to destroy the Antediluvians and feast on their blood. Christof and his allies believed Vukodlak was unable to be a vessel in which such power could be wielded without risking the devastation of a large part of the world. On the eve of the new millennium, the spell of the Voivodes was broken and Vukodlak reemerged. Christof battled the fiend and emerged victorious (or so he thought)from the battle. How Christof, a young vampire, could defeat the Methuselah is somewhat miraculous. Was it his undying love for Anezka or Vukodlak's instability that enabled Christof to best Vukodlak?

What Christof didnt know is that Vukodlak did survive.

Vukodlak was a monstrous being, having forsaken all of his Humanity. His talents in Vicissitude were also exceptional, being able to modify his body to great extents. He could transform his entire body into a winged terror known as the 'Chiropteran Marauder'. His undeniable presence and the apparent telepathic influence of Vukodlak, that resonated within his followers, suggests that he has mastered numerous mental Disciplines. His visage, devoid of any beauty, is also the result of reveling in the dark art of Vicissitude. He is quite impervious to melee weapons, and firearms inflict some physical discomfort.

He delights in corrupting purity and defiling noble traits and vestiges constructed by those who desire to do good. He is unable to feel pity or remorse. He even utters a word of genuine gratitude for Christof: were it not for him, Anezka would not be an ill-gotten gain that Vukodlak could defile. Vukodlak also fancies himself a savior, eliminating the Antediluvians and therefore preventing them from consummating Gehenna. Many vampires fear that the founder of each vampire clan, the Antediluvians, would reawaken and gorge on their descendants in a tidal wave of blood.


Catherdral of Flesh


Although Vukodlak's Cathedral could easily be part of the Tzimisce Antediluvian's body, it is unlikely that either of them is meant to be Yorak's original Cathedral of Flesh. Additionally, the details of Redemption's canon are frequently at odds with the established the Classic World of Darkness — although the game's protagonist Christof Romuald does appear elsewhere in Vampirecanon, suggesting that at least the essential elements of the game's storyline are canonical.



Vukodlak was deemed rebellious and a traitor to the will of the Council of Voivodes and was persecuted relentlessly by the Voivodes. He intended to accumulate an immeasurable amount of power that could be utilized for the consuming of the Antediluvians, the mythical founders of the thirteen vampire Clans. It was prophesized that the Antediluvians would be beckoned by some mystical force to rise from their torpid states and eradicate their progeny: each and every Cainite. This dreaded apocalyptical day is called Gehenna and much contemplation from many wise vampires about this doomsday is contained in the Book of Nod. This plan that Vukodlak conceived, was deemed blasphemous and dangerous to both the Voivodes and the entire clan Tzimisce. The Voivodes moved swiftly and purged Vukodlak from the ancestral lands of the Tzimisce, where the original Cathedral of Flesh is established and constructed.

Vukodlak was placed in deep Torpor and the remainder of his loyal servants fled from the wrath of the Voivodes. Those servants took their dreaded lord along with them in a desperate flight evermore endeavoring to reawaken Vukodlak. At first they managed to conceal themselves within Vysehrad Castle located near the township of Prague. After a bloody battle ensued caused by the grievances and struggles between the various clans of Prague and after Vysehrad Castle was being set ablaze by the furious mortals of Prague, Vukodlak fled once more. Due to sabotage within his entourage of followers and having to suffer many failed attempts at resurrecting Vukodlak, Vukodlak decided to move to the New World, where the Tzimisce of Europe will longer hunt and haunt him.

This vast undertaking took centuries and it meant the procrastination of any attempt at removing the curse of the Voivodes that kept him in Torpor. Due to the clan curse of clan Tzimisce, they had to relocate vast amounts of native soil otherwise they could not slip into a recuperative dormant state or even revel in their powers as they would in their ancestral lands. The Setites offered their cargo-ships for the shipping of native soil and the Giovanni aided in the concealment of these shipments.

The gargantuan new Cathedral of Flesh consisted of the bodies of many hundreds, if not thousands of mortals and ghouls. Vukodlak took up residence in his new Cathedral of Flesh, eagerly awaiting the dawn of the new millennium. He would rise and bring about the destruction of the Third Generation, he would devour at long last the Antediluvians.



This Cathedral of Flesh was located in the city of New York. Within the lower levels of a desecrated church, limestone was subtly replaced by a more carnal form of building material, mortar transformed into blood, bones formed the paneling. The pedestrians of New York could see the ruins of the church. But they were blissfully ignorant of the existence of the Cathedral of Flesh. Should one descend down the stairs and into the earth, once would eventually see the ship of a church. Beset with szlachta, war-ghouls and even a Vozhd there is but little chance at gaining access to the lower levels, to the actual Cathedral of Flesh.

Should one survive the guardians, one would walk in the Cathedral of Flesh. Pillars consisted of bodies, banners of entrails, walls of skeletons, floors of bellies, roofs of decomposition. Even more guards can be encountered, sounds of flesh and agony could be heard and the smell must be indescribable. Finally one would reach the most inner sanctum, a tomb. Within this tomb the two most notable features: an ancient sarcophagus containing the body of Vukodlak and a gigantic circular window, glowing with a ghastly red light.

The very bowels or foundation of the Cathedral of Flesh consist of deep rivers of blood, vast walls of corpses, pillars resembling veins and everything seemed to resemble the insides of a human being, occasionally there was some form of twisted architecture. Also there is a mysterious alcove containing the memories of Anezka, a nun ghouled by Vukodlak himself.


Vukodlak and some of his followers

Cathedral of Flesh

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